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Cloud Training

Build your first agent with our video demonstration

The video below will demonstrate how to use the Sequentum Cloud Agent Editor to scrape data from a test website called

To follow along with the instructions in the video, you should first sign in to Sequentum Cloud and click the New Agent button which will open the Agent Editor.

Practice building agents that perform specific tasks

Our online manual also offers a written guide to Building your First Agent.

The guide is a walkthrough of how build a simple agent to scrape data. The site we will be scraping from is, a site we built for you to practice your web scraping techniques. The guide covers the basics of capturing a list, structuring the data, and publishing the agent to the Control Center.


Click above to visit the Building Your First Agent guide

Once you have built your first agent, you can continue to learn by using the site.

The Training Site contains a list of different types of web elements that you might want to scrape.

For each section in the list you can copy the URL and paste it into the Start URL box of the Sequentum Cloud Editor, then use the tools in the editor to build an agent to capture the elements on the page.

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