How to Import External Agent Text into Personal or Other Spaces
In Sequentum Cloud, users have the ability to import an external agent into either their personal space or a newly created space. This feature allows users to integrate existing agent configurations seamlessly into their workspace. To complete this process, users need an agent text file, which contains the necessary details of the external agent.
Step 1: Navigate to any space (Personal Space or Create any new space)
Step 2: Now click on the New Agent drop down menu list and select the option New Shared File as shown below-
Step 3: It will open the Create Shared File as below-
Step 4: Click on Upload File option and select the file from local system and Click on Upload button
Step 4: Now click on the Close button to exit from this page and the uploaded agent has been imported successfully in the desired space.
Additionally, instead of following the steps in the third point, you can also use the Drag & Drop feature to import the agent text file directly from your local system to the Space screen.
(Note: Users can obtain the agent text file from the Editor window by navigating to the Text tab. Within this tab, an option is available at the bottom of the interface, allowing users to download the text file on your local system.)