How to Download DOC Files Using File Link command in Sequentum Cloud?
Steps to create an agent using a download command to download the files.
Where to use the download command?
In Sequentum Cloud, navigate to the Agent Configuration and add the Navigate Url command to navigate to the desired page where all the docs files are available to download.
How to configure the File Link command to download the desired files?
In the Agent Editor, use the Link command to navigate to the page where all the files are accessible for download. You can use the List command here to select and download multiple files at once, or simply use the File Link command to download a single file directly.
How to use Url command to load the url:
Step 1: Open the editor window and navigate to the Agent Configuration → Browser → Url
Step 2: In the URL section, enter the website URL from which you want to download the files.
Step 3: Now Select the Download Documents option on the loaded page and click on the Link button, as shown below:
After executing this page, you will be redirected to the following page, where you can download the documents.
Step 4: On the page above, you can select the document link of your choice.
You can use the List command to select and download multiple files at once or the File Link command to download a single file directly.
To select multiple files, click on the first link, hold the Shift key, and then click on the second link. Once the desired files are selected, click on the File Link button, as shown below:
Now click on the Save Selection option at the bottom to finalize and create the agent.
Note: Additionally, you can generate the agent in text format by clicking on the 'Text' option in the right panel.
This text format can be saved locally by clicking the option available at the bottom.
Run Without Proxies: true
Commands: URL
Dynamic Load:
Discover Activity: 1
Commands: Link
Name: Download Documents Link
Extract: //div[@class='pageContent']/div/div[2]/div/a
Dynamic Load:
Discover Activity: 1
Commands: Page Area List
Name: Download List
Select: //div[@class='container']/main/section[1]/div[@class='pageContent']/div/div/div[@class='card-body']/table/tbody/tr[@class='odd'][td[3][.='download']/a[1][.='download']]
Commands: File Link
Name: Download
Extract: /td[3][.='download']/a[1][.='download']
Enabled: false
Commands: CSV