Browser Properties
Browser Settings:
Target: Determines where a new page loads—options include current window, new window, parent, popup, or async browser for independent operation.
Default: Will try to automatically configure the most appropriate. Generally defaults to the new browser when following a link.
Current: Opens the link in the current browser.
Parent: Opens the link in the Parent of the command containing the current command.
New: Opens the link in a new browser (tab).
Popup: Opens in a popup window.
Async: Creates an independent browser that runs in parallel.
Browser Type: Choose between Dynamic (fully interactive) or Static (faster, no JavaScript execution) browsers for optimal performance based on the website’s complexity.
Default: whatever the current browser is, usually dynamic.
Dynamic: a dynamic browser complete with scripts and styles that you would expect when browsing normally.
Static: a simplified browser loading only the specified file type (HTML, JSON, etc.) that does not execute JavasScript and is therefore faster. May not work on many websites that require JavaScript.
Use Browser HTTP for Static Requests: Enables HTTP for static mode requests (uncheck for HTTPS).
Rotate Proxy: Rotate the proxies before loading the link.
Clear Cookies & Storage: Clears the website’s cookies and local storage.
Ignore Error Codes if Content is Received: Some web sites will return incorrect status codes by default unless the web server is not returning any content.
Random Delay Before Action: Adds a random delay before actions, with customizable min/max values.
Browser Response Capture:
Capture Response Headers & Cookies: Captures headers and cookies from web responses for analysis, useful for debugging and tracking interactions.
Capture File: Enables capturing response files for export, allowing further analysis or reference of the captured content..
Capture Response Content: capture the response content (as text) for export or later use. Enabling requires you to enter a RegEx filter to specify the content you’d like to capture.
Capture Audio Stream: Records audio streams (WAV/MP3) and stops after a silence period, ensuring efficient capture of desired sound.
Capture Requests: Filters and captures specific requests using RegEx.
Dynamic Browser Settings:
Wait Settings: Controls how long to wait for content to load.
Wait for Local Content: Waits for local resources.
Wait for Main Page Load Only: Waits for the main page to load.
Wait for All Content: Waits for all content (Ajax, etc.).
Wait for Async Loaded Content: Waits for asynchronous elements.
No Wait: Does not wait for full page loading.
Load Images: Determines if images should load.
Default: Follow agent settings.
Yes: Loads images.
No: Disables image loading to improve performance.
Load Styles: Controls CSS loading.
Default: Follow agent settings.
Yes: Loads styles.
No: Disables styles for faster performance.
Block Ads: Prevents ads from loading.
Default/Yes/No: Configures ad blocking based on agent settings.
Block URLs: Uses RegEx to block specific URLs.
Dynamic Browser Timeouts:
Timeouts: Configurable wait times for page activities (Default, Short, Normal, Long, Very Long, Custom).
Page Load Timeout: Max time for a page to load (default: 15 seconds).
Page Initialization Timeout: Time for initial setup (default: 5 seconds).
Async Timeout: Time for async operations (default: 5 seconds).
Discover Activity Timeout: Max time to discover activity (default: 1 second).
Discover First Activity Timeout: Time for the first interaction (default: 2 seconds).
Parse HTML Timeout: Max time for HTML parsing (default: 3 seconds).
Static Browser Settings:
Page Load Timeout: Max time for a page to load in static mode (default: 15 seconds).
Fixed Encoding: Sets character encoding (default: UTF-8, can select others).