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Editing XPaths Manually

Sequentum Cloud will usually create an optimal selection XPath, but sometimes you may find it necessary to fine-tune the XPath manually. It can be difficult, however, to create an XPath from scratch. If you want to manually edit an XPath, we recommend that you first let Sequentum Cloud generate the XPath and then edit it.

As we show in the figures below, you can use either the status bar XPath editor or the XPath panel to manually edit an XPath.

XPath Expressions for dynamic elements

You can use the below XPath expressions to edit and fine tune the complex XPaths and dynamic elements:



XPath(1.0 -2.0)


Whole web page


Whole web page body


All text nodes of web page


Element <E> by absolute reference



Element <E> by relative reference


Second <E> element anywhere on page


Image element


Element <E> with attribute A


Element <E> with attribute A containing text 't' exactly


Element <E> with attribute A containing text 't'


Element <E> whose attribute A begins with 't'

//E[starts-with(@A, 't')]

Element <E> whose attribute A ends with 't'

//E[ends-with(@A, 't')] or //E[substring(@A, string-length(@A) - string-length('t')+1)='t']

Element <E> with attribute A containing word 'w'

//E[contains(concat(' ', @A, ' '), ' w ')]

Element <E> with attribute A matching regex ‘r’

//E[matches(@A, ‘r’)]

Element <E1> with id I1 or element <E2> with id I2

//E1[@id=I1] | //E2[@id=I2]

Element <E1> with id I1 or id I2

//E1[@id=I1 or @id=I2]


 Attribute A of element <E>


Attribute A of any element


Attribute A1 of element <E> where attribute A2 is 't' exactly


Attribute A of element <E> where A contains 't'


Id & Name

Element <E> with id I


Element with id I


Element <E> with name N


Element with name N


Element with id X or, failing that, a name X

//*[@id='X' or @name='X']

Element with name N & specified 0-based index ‘v’


Element with name N & specified value ‘v’


Lang & CSS

Element <E> is explicitly in language L or subcode

//E[@lang='L' or starts-with(@lang, concat('L', '-'))]

Element with a class C

//*[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' C ')]

Class Element <E> with a class C

//E[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' C ')]

Text & Link

Element containing text 't' exactly


Element <E> containing text 't'


Link element


<a> containing text 't' exactly


<a> containing text 't'


Link <a> with target link 'url'


Link URL labeled with text 't' exactly


Parent & Child

First child of element <E>


First <E> child


Last child of element E


Last <E> child


Second <E> child

//E[2] OR //E/following-sibling::E

Second child that is an <E> element


Second-to-last <E> child


Second-to-last child that is an <E> element


Element <E1> with only <E2> children

//E1/[E2 and not( *[not(self::E2)])]

Parent of element <E>


Descendant <E> of element with id I using specific path

//*[@id='I']/ . . ./. . ./. . ./E

Descendant <E> of element with id I using unspecified path


Element <E> with no children


Element <E> with an only child


Element <E> that is an only child


Element <E> with no <E> siblings

//E[count(../E) = 1]

Every Nth element starting with the (M+1)th

//E[position() mod N = M + 1]


Element <E1> following some sibling <E2>


Element <E1> immediately following sibling <E2>


Element <E1> following sibling <E2> with one intermediary


Sibling element immediately following <E>


Element <E1> preceding some sibling <E2>


Element <E1> immediately preceding sibling <E2>


Element <E1> preceding sibling <E2> with one intermediary


Sibling element immediately preceding <E>



Cell by row and column (e.g. 3rd row, 2nd column)


Table Cell immediately following cell containing 't' exactly


Cell immediately following cell containing 't'



User interface element <E> that is disabled


User interface element that is enabled


Checkbox (or radio button) that is checked



Identifies the elements whose single or both conditions are true

//*[@type='submit' or @name='btnReset']

Identifies the elements whose both conditions are true. It fails to find element if any one condition is false.

//input[@type='submit' and @name='btnLogin']

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.