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Files Overview

The Files section is a dedicated space within the agent where you can store data files or scripts. These files will be accessible to all commands within the agent. This space is considered private because the files stored here are not visible to other agents or users. However, they can be accessed by any command within the same agent. This File Section is also available under other commands such as “Agents”, “Script” & “Export Script” and the file uploaded under any of the commands File Section will be available in the whole agent or within any command.

Maximum File Size allowed is 50MB. Also, any type of File can be uploaded to the Files Section.

If you want to keep your files private and restrict access to other agents, you should store them in the Files section. You can drag and drop files into this space or use the upload button to add them.

In the File Section, the CSV Files have the Edit option whereas other files don't have the Edit option. However, all files in this section have buttons available for downloading and deleting them.

Once you click on the Edit button, you will be redirected to the Files Detail Page. There will again be an Edit button to edit the File Content. When you click on the Edit button, a dialog box will open with the File content and a cursor to edit the file content. Once the File content is updated on the below screen, there is a Save button to save the updated content. 

But the File name is fixed. You can’t update the File name. Also, once the file content is updated, it will directly be available to all the commands.

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