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Login and Dashboard page

To get started with Sequentum Cloud, the first step is to set up your account. After successfully creating your account, you will gain access to the Sequentum Cloud dashboard, which serves as the central hub for managing and monitoring your cloud operations.

To log in to Sequentum Cloud, follow these steps:

  1. Open your browser and navigate to the URL provided below.

  2. Enter your login credentials, including your email and password.

  3. Once authenticated, you will be directed to the Sequentum Cloud dashboard.
    Login URL: "

  1. Enter your Email and Password and press the Login button.

Sequentum Cloud Dashboard page

Upon successful login, you will be taken to the user-friendly Sequentum Cloud dashboard. The Sequentum cloud dashboard page serves as a centralized interface, offering an overview of key information such as the total number of agents, recent agent activity (failed, executed, or updated), and statistics for your Spaces. 

Key characteristics of a dashboard page include:

  1. Overview of Data: On this page, users will find a summary of recent activity, a Space stats chart, and a daily breakdown of run history displayed in easy-to-read charts.  

  2. Interactive Widgets: Users can click on the drop-down menu to select elements for creating an agent, template, or shared folder. By clicking on an agent's name, users can view detailed agent information directly from the dashboard. Additionally, users have permission to access and manage Spaces and labels providing greater flexibility and control over their workflow.

  3. Customizable: Users can create Spaces tailored to their specific needs and display relevant content directly on the dashboard. 

  4. Real-Time Updates: The dashboard refreshes dynamically to deliver real-time insights, including recent failures, executions, and newly updated agents.

  5. Navigation Hub: Serving as a central access point, it provides quick links to various sections and functions of the site, such as Space details, Agent details, and all failure runs or recently updated agents.

In essence, a dashboard page simplifies navigation and presents relevant information at a glance, enhancing user efficiency and experience.

The Control Center UI page is composed of various sections, each with its own specific purpose and functionality. Below is a detailed overview of the different parts available on the Control Center UI:

  1.  Total Agents:

This section displays the total number of agents within the organization, along with detailed statistics, including the percentage of agents that have succeeded or failed. It also shows the number of agents currently running, as well as those that have not yet started.

  1. Run History:

This section provides a graphical representation of agents' daily execution, allowing users to easily view the number of agents executed on a specific day. It also displays the breakdown of successful and failed executions for each day.

  1. New Agent:

Selecting this option allows users to create an Agent, Template, or Shared File. Choosing 'New Agent' will direct users to the editor window, where they can create their own custom agent.

Editor Window

New Agent Template

Templates allow for the creation of new agents based on a predefined structure and configuration, serving as a reference point for setting up agents with similar functionality.
While templates function similarly to agents in terms of data extraction and navigation, their primary role is to act as blueprints for building new agents.
To create a template, users can select 'New Agent Template' from the 'New Agent' dropdown menu. This will open the editor, where users can configure and create the template. 


In summary, while Agents execute commands and extract data, Templates serve as reusable templates for creating new Agents with similar functionality, making the process of Agent creation more efficient and scalable.

New Shared File

This feature allows users to upload input files, such as CSV, HTML, or other formats. The uploaded files are accessible to all agents within a given space.

  1. Spaces:

Spaces  like directories, allowing users to easily view the number of agents within each space. They also provide detailed information on the agents' runs, including how many have succeeded, failed, or have yet to be executed.

  1. Recently Failed:

This section displays a list of agents that have recently failed, providing important details such as the time of failure , Space name and the agent's name. This information helps users quickly identify issues and take corrective actions to resolve the problems.

  1. Recently Run:

This section displays the most recently executed agent runs, providing users with up-to-date information on the latest activities. Each entry includes details such as the Agent name, Space name, Finish time and  status.

  1. Recently updated:

This section displays the recently updated agents, along with key details such as the agent name, associated space, and the date and time of the update.

  1. Account Information:

In this section, users can update their account information, including password and other personal details. There is also an option to access the 'Organization' and 'Usage' details pages; however, access to these pages depends on the user's role. Users with a 'User' role do not have permission to view the 'Organization' and 'Usage' pages.

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