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Sequentum Cloud XPath Functions

Sequentum Cloud has a set of non-standard functions you can use in XPath selections.

Sequentum Cloud XPath Functions

Sequentum Cloud has a set of non-standard functions you can use in XPath selections:



bool equals(string source, string target)

Returns True if the two strings are equal. The comparison is case insensitive.

bool fuzzy-match(string source, string target, [double tolerance])

Uses the Jaro/Winkler distance algorithm to determine if two strings match. This function first splits each string into words and then compares words from each string. If one string contains more words than the other string, the additional words are not considered when calculating the distance.

Tolerance must be between 0 and 1. A tolerance of 1 means an exact match. A tolerance of 0.85 is used if tolerance is not specified.

bool fuzzy-match(string source, string target, double singleWordTolerance, int wordMismatchesAllowed, [bool isMatchAllSourceWords], [bool isMatchAllTargetWords])

Uses the Jaro/Winkler distance algorithm to determine if two strings match. This function first splits each string into words and then compares words from each string.

If isMatchAllSourceWords is true, all words in the source string will be matches.

If isMatchAllTargetWords is true, all words in the target string will be matches.

If both isMatchAllSourceWords and isMatchAllTargetWords are true, all words in the string containing the most words will be matched.

If both isMatchAllSourceWords and isMatchAllTargetWords are false, all words in the string containing the least words will be matched.

SingleWordTolerance must be between 0 and 1. A tolerance of 1 means an exact match. If a word match is less than the SingleWordTolerance value, a word mismatch is recorded.

WordMismatchesAllowed is the number of words that are allowed to mismatch before the function returns false.

bool not-whitespace(string source)

Returns False if the string contains only white space characters.


Adds the current node to an internal list of bookmarks.

bool has-parent-bookmark()

Returns True if a parent of the current node is in the bookmark list.

NodeSet parent-bookmark()

Returns the first parent node that is in the bookmark list.

string html()

Returns the HTML of the current node.

string inner-html()

Returns the inner HTML of the current node.

string uniqueid()

Returns a unique ID.

string url()

Returns any URL property of the current node.

string image-url()

Returns any image URL of the current node.

string email()

Returns any email address of the current node.

string flash-url()

Returns any flash URL of the current node.

string tag-text()

Returns the text of the current node excluding text from any child nodes.

string find-data(string commandName)

Returns the extracted data for a command that has already been processed. If the command does not exist in the current container command, the function will keep searching in parent containers.

string get-data(string commandName)

Returns the extracted data for a command that has already been processed. The command must exist in the current container command.

string get-input-data(string commandName,

string columnName)

Returns input data as a string value from the specified data column in the data provided by the specified command. The specified command must be a data provider.

string get-input-data(string columnName)

Returns input data as a string value from the specified data column in the data provided by the last data provider parent command.

string get-input-data()

Returns input data from the first data column that contains a string value in the data provided by the last data provider parent command.

string get-global-data(string name)

Returns the data entry with the specified name from the global data dictionary which includes input parameters. The data entry must be a string value or a simple value type that can be converted to a string value.

int node-position([nodeSet])

Returns the position of a specific node among all nodes with the same parent node. If no node is given, then this is the position of the root node.

When choosing elements inside a web element list, the current list element is the root node. So a call to node-position() would return the position of the current list element.

The index is not zero based, so the first index is 1.

NodeSet root([int nodeIndex])

Returns the root node with a specific index. The index must be greater than 1. If no index is specified the current root node is returned.

When selecting elements inside a web element list, the current list element is the root node. So, a call to root() would return the current list element, and a call to root(2) would return the second list element.

int root-index()

Returns the index of the current root node.

When selecting elements inside a web element list, the current list element is the root node. So, a call to root-index() would return the index of the current list element.

The index is not zero based, so the first index is 1.

int last-root-index()

Returns the index of the last root node.

When selecting elements inside a web element list, the current list element is the root node. So, a call to last-root-index() would return the index of the last list element.

The index is not zero based, so the first index is 1.

int root-position()

Returns the position of the current root node. This position is relative to all nodes with the same parent node.

When selecting elements inside a web element list, the current list element is the root node. So, a call to root-position() would return the position of the current list element.

The index is not zero based, so the first index is 1.

NodeSet root-siblings()

Returns following siblings of the current root node, but stops when it encounters another root node.

This function is equivalent to the following selection:




When selecting elements inside a web element list, the current list element is the root node. So, a call to root-siblings() would return siblings of the current list element.


This method is used when we know the partial value or partial text associated with a web element. The contains function finds all the elements matching the string pattern. So if we know that all buttons on any screen are going to have a particular pattern for the value of an attribute (like id, name, or class), then we can use the contains function.


This method is used when we know the initial partial value or partial text associated with a web element. The user can also use this method to locate web elements that consist of both static(initial) and dynamic(trailing) values.
//td[starts-with(.,'Arrest Date:')]
//span[starts-with(@class, 'Sentence') ]


This method is used when we know the trailing partial value or partial text associated with a web element. The user can also use this method to locate web elements that consist of both static(trailing) and dynamic(initial) values.
//td[ends-with(html(),' Date:')]
//span[ends-with(@id, '_lblPlacementStatus') ]

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