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Web Data Extraction Challenges

Despite its vast potential, web data extraction can come with challenges—especially when dealing with intricate or dynamic sites. The complexity of a website often determines how easy or difficult it will be to scrape. Websites with a lot of AJAX, JavaScript, or CAPTCHA can require advanced tools or knowledge to extract data effectively. However, Sequentum Cloud simplifies many of these challenges with built-in tools that handle form submissions, dynamic content loading and CAPTCHA bypassing.

Common Obstacles:

  • Dynamic content loading with AJAX or JavaScript

  • Deterrents like CAPTCHA or IP blocking

  • High-volume extraction across millions of web pages

  • Non-HTML formats, such as PDFs or Flash content

Sequentum Cloud offers sophisticated error-handling and adaptability to ensure your data extraction process is as smooth as possible, even in the face of these challenges.


Sequentum Cloud Solution

Dynamic Content Loading

Detects and processes dynamic content, ensuring data is fully loaded before extraction starts.

CAPTCHA & Login Deterrents

Integrates tools to bypass CAPTCHA, and offers proxy rotation to handle IP blocking issues.

Handling Large Data Volumes

Uses robust architecture to process millions of web pages efficiently over time.

Non-HTML Content Extraction

Supports conversion of PDFs and other files to HTML for easy extraction.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.