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Input Action

Enters text into an input field or selects a value from a select box.

General Settings → General Command Settings

  1. Command name: This property specifies the name of the command.

  2. Comments: Provides a field for entering metadata or a brief description regarding the command. These annotations are used internally to provide context for developers or team members. Comments are not part of the exported data and are only used for documentation purposes within the configuration.

  3. Disabled:  This checkbox allows the user to disable the command. When checked, the command is ignored during execution. By default, it is unchecked.

Form Field → Form field input

The Form input section is designed for the user to select the input source from where the desired content is to be loaded.

  • Input

    • Static Value (default): Plaintext user input.

    • Data List: Use a Data List command as the source. Iterate through all the data rows given by the data provider and execute each of the sub-commands once for each row.

      • Select Command: Select source command.

      • Select Column: Select column to use for input.

    • Command: Use another command as the source.

    • Agent Parameter: Use one of the agent’s input parameter as the source.

    • Action Result: Use the result of an action command as the source.

      • Select Parameter: Select which parameter from the action result you would like to use as the source.

    • Script: Write a custom script in any of the supported languages (Regex, JavaScript, C#, or Python).

  • Encrypt - Encrypts the input value. Prevents sensitive information being saved directly in the agent file.

  • Transform: Write a custom script in any of the supported languages to transform the input value.

Action → Selected action element

  • When action element missing: This option lets the user select one of four actions from a dropdown menu to specify what should happen if the selected element is missing. The default value is set to "Warn".

    • Fail: If the element is missing, An error message is generated in the logs and the agent fails.

    • Warn: If the element is missing, A warning message is generated in the logs and the agent continues.

    • Ignore: If the element is missing, the agent skips child commands and moves to the next command.

    • Passthrough: If the element is missing, the agent ignores it and continues executing child commands.

  • Selected action element: In this section, the user can view the selected action element in HTML format, displayed within the box. Please note that this HTML content is non-modifiable, meaning the user cannot make changes to it. This feature is particularly intended to allow users to see the selected element.

Action → Action settings

The Action section determines the JavaScript actions to be performed while using this command. The users can also customize the actions after unchecking the ‘Use default action script’.

  1. Action Script: This pane defines the JavaScript actions that will be performed. Based on the selection in the form field, the actions are automatically generated by the command. A user can also manually use JavaScript actions post unchecking the ‘Use default action script’

  2. Use default action Script: This check box determines if the automatically generated action is appropriate for the command or not. If a user wants to input different actions, then the user must uncheck the box and then input the actions in the ‘Action script’ manually.

  3. Break List: By default, it is set to "Default," meaning Sequentum Cloud will decide the most appropriate behavior. Users can manually set it to "Yes" or "No" depending on how the action affects page loads and the agent behavior.

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